BPOCSRC 2024 Undergraduate Summer Fellowship Program
(UC Irvine students only)

The BPOCSRC Summer Fellowship application is now available. If you have an interest in Black Panther Party history, education, and community organizing and would like to learn archival methods, oral history techniques, and digital media, this 9-week virtual internship might be for you.

The fellowship begins July 1st and ends August 30th. Pay is $16/hour, 10 hours per week.

Single click the flyers to the left to enlarge each.

Read more about the BPOCSRC here.

Learn more about the BPOCSRC from alumni here.

Application Opens: February 15, 2024
Application Deadline: March 4, 2024, 11:59 pm Pacific Time
Interviews: March 11-15, 2024
Offers Extended: March 18-22
Acceptances Due: April 2, 2024


Answers to frequently asked questions about the BPOCSRC Summer Undergraduate Program.

Is the internship completely virtual?

Yes. All work, including seminars, is completed online.

Do I need to know Black Panther Party history to apply?

No. While knowledge of Black Panther Party history is welcomed and helpful, it is not a requirement to apply and participate.

Can I attend summer classes and participate in the fellowship program?

Yes, as long as the class meeting time does not conflict with the weekly seminar meeting time.

Can I work a second job on campus and participate in the fellowship program?

Yes, however, if the second job is a UCI job, you cannot exceed 40 hours per week between the two jobs. Additionally, you are expected to attend all fellowship seminars and workshops.

How will the hours be divided during the week?

You are considered a UCI employee during the fellowship. You must keep a timesheet and complete all hours between 8am and 5pm, Monday-Friday. No work should be completed over the weekend or on holidays. Weekly seminars and workshops account for 2 out of 10 hours. The remaining 8 hour block is comprised of research, data entry, and project development.

Still have questions?

Email us: bpocsrc@theocsproject.org


Curating resources and information for researchers and community members alike to learn the history of the Black Panther Party’s flagship educational program is central to The OCS Project’s mission.


Creating digital projects is one of the primary ways The OCS Project endeavors to archive and share the history and encourage community engagement.


Collaborating was a hallmark of the Oakland Community School’s success and it is in the same spirit that The OCS Project seeks to accomplish its current and future project goals.

The official red, blue, and green OCS Project letters of the Oakland Community School Project logo.
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